我读过几篇类似 this one 的文章其中暗示 A 和 B 之间显式实体 AB 的必要性。


在 .NET Core 3 中是否可行,还是我们仍然被迫手动创建 N 对 N 实体?


您(不仅是)要求的功能由 #10508: Implement many-to-many relationships without mapping join table 跟踪.

如您所见,状态为 Backlog ,这意味着它被考虑,但没有具体的时间表。还有 last comment由 EF Core 团队(经理)是

Current plan for 3.0 is to implement skip-level navigation properties as a stretch goal. If property bags (#9914) also make it into 3.0, enabling a seamless experience for many-to-many could become easier.

它也没有列在 New features 中.并且刚刚在 Property bag entities 中引用

This feature is a stepping stone to support many-to-many relationships without a join entity (issue #1368), which is one of the most requested improvements for EF Core.

其中#1368 指的是 Discussion on many-to-Many relationships (without CLR class for join table) .

所有这一切仅仅意味着您的问题的答案是 - 不,此功能不会出现在 3.0 中,因此您应该继续使用显式连接实体。


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