mozilla docs on performance best practices for front-end engineers建议结合setTimeoutrequestAnimationFrame在重绘后立即运行:

requestAnimationFrame(() => { 
  setTimeout(() => { 
    // This code will be run ASAP after Style and Layout information have 
    // been calculated and the paint has occurred. Unless something else 
    // has dirtied the DOM very early, querying for style and layout information 
    // here should be cheap. 
  }, 0); 



Why is this the recommended solution? What exactly makes this the optimal way to schedule something right after a repaint?

在重绘后立即运行代码可以最大限度地提高 DOM 已被完全计算出来的机会,从而最大限度地减少查询 dom 导致代价高昂的重排的机会。如果您仍然不查询 dom,那么这不是您需要担心的事情。

requestAnimationFrame 将安排代码在重绘之前立即运行,这接近您想要的位置但不完全。所以然后做一个 setTimeout 0 (或 setImmediate 在支持它的浏览器上)将在之后尽快执行代码。这并不能保证您的代码是重绘后首先运行的代码,但鉴于您可以使用的 api,这是您能做的最好的事情。


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